Recents in Beach

500$ to 5000$ Earn per month from home easily


Ad networks pay publishers based on the number of impressions, clicks, or conversions their ads generate. This means that you need to have a website or app with a significant amount of traffic in order to earn a significant amount of money.

Are you a blogger who is looking for the easiest way to make money from your blog’s traffic? 

Nowadays Adsterra is a world-renowned advertising and CPA affiliate network with a unique Partner Care approach. They help advertisers meet their KPIs and grow ROI, while publishers maximize eCPM with our easy-to-use advanced traffic solutions and the team in the industry.

It is currently serving more than 30 billion unique ad impressions each month with 150K+ successful campaigns.

Today they work with 18K+ direct publishers and 12K+ brands, affiliates, media agencies, and ad networks dealing with mainstream and non-mainstream verticals.

  • 30 billion impressions per month
  • 150K+ successful campaigns
  • 248 Geos covered
  • 18K+ direct publishers

All in all, If you’re looking for a better alternative to AdSense, Adsterra is a great choice. It is also a great platform for people who want to advertise their ads to reach a wider audience.


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How to make money with a website

There are endless options for how to make money with a website. Advertising is the most common strategy, but many others exist. For example, you can sell subscriptions if you have a loyal customer base or accept donations from readers that appreciate your content. You can even sell your own physical and digital products. Below, we’ll list and explain eight proven strategies for how to make money off a website.

Sell ad space

We’ve talked about advertising in the above section. But an ad network isn’t the only way to connect with advertisers. You can do that directly instead of going through a third party that collects part of your revenue. 

The key to selling advertising space directly is having a media kit that potential advertisers can view on your website. This media kit contains relevant information about your website, such as its traffic level, demographics, and other detailed information. It’s a pitch on what advertisers will gain from working with you. Also, endeavor to provide contact information on your website so advertisers can reach out. Alternatively, you can cold call or email potential advertisers and pitch them what they’ll benefit from working with you. Be ready to provide factual information about your website and traffic metrics. Some advertisers may even request guest access to your analytics dashboard to confirm that your site gets the traffic volume you pitched them on.

This method is best suited for large websites with a significant following. A small website in its early stages will be best served by an ad network. This will give the owner time to grow their traffic while a third party focuses on sourcing ads.

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